GRGBanking and ECTK Solution Reach Breakthrough on Cooperation

Above: Edison S. Cham, Chairman of ECTK Solution, Inc (Left) and Adam Lee, Deputy Managing Director of GRGBanking (right)
ECTK Solution, Inc. (ECTKSI), the largest Cash-in-Transit (CIT) company in Philippine signed agreement with GRGBanking in GRG’s headquarter, Guangzhou, China on March 6, 2012. ECTKSI is to buy ATMs H22N/L and E300L from GRGBanking to provide service to local banks and financial institutions.
H22N is a new generation versatile Cash Dispenser in a compact cost-effective footprint, which makes it one of the customers’ favorite models. H22NL is the lobby model of H22N. E300L is a cost effective entry level cash dispenser, an ideal choice for light-traffic locations for both IADs (Independent ATM Deployer) and banks.
Mr. Angelito M. Villanueva, CEO of ECTKSI, said the company is the largest CIT in Philippine, providing ATM replenishment service to local banks and operating 2 local cash centers. ECTKSI's ATM end-to-end solution business model is the first and only one in Philippines. Combined with the partnership with a strong ATM vendor GRG, it provides financial institutions in the Philippines a more cost-effective and efficient way, that having ATM as a plus rather than a burden to their channel strategy.
"With technology from GRGBanking and our expertise on the Philippine market, there is a new co-operation way we will want to see." Mr. Villanueva also expects more and more GRG ATM dominating the fast-growing market in Philippine. ECTKSI’s purchase volume regarding that agreement exceeds the accumulated volume since the partnership with GRGBanking after 2005.
ECTKSI sells and lease GRG Banking ATMs, offer ATM Switching Licenses, ATM Cash Replenishment, Monitoring, Armored Transport and other services to banks and financial institutions. ECTKSI outsourcing services is expected to relieve banks and financial institutions with the burden of ATM acquisitions, operations and servicing, security risks and periodic expensive executive man hours spent on the services that can be outsourced.
ECTK Solutions, Inc. is a multi-faceted Technology and Cash Management Service Provider in the Philippines organized in 2007 by its Chairman Edison S. Cham who is also the Founder of the ECTK Integrated Security Group of Companies. The Group operates the largest Armored Transport Manufacturing and Leasing Outfit with an equally robust security force that handles the Cash Transport Service requirements of major banks in the country since 1992.